Candles of Advent - SATB Choir a Capella - by Hugh Levey and Blair H. Smith
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Candles of Advent explores the Christian tradition of lighting a candle during each of the four Sundays in Advent, representing – sequentially – Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. These are the four universal corners of the Christmas message which is given to all, irrespective of any faith. A fifth, central candle is lit on Christmas Day, celebrating the birth of Jesus that will bring them to fruition. The carol has four verses on the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.
This cheery carol can be used in both secular and Christian celebrations of Christmas. It is also available accompanied by organ.
Christmas lights our joyful message:
sound it out for all to hear!
Hope and peace and joy and love
shine at this time of year.
Hope found in a new-born baby
shining light in the darkest night –
word unspeaking, still unspoken
changing wrong to right.
Peace from the act of setting aside
our time, and things that hold us apart,
finding neighbours, friends and strangers
share a common heart.
Joy from the act of hearing together
news to turn the world on its head;
freed from guilt, and fear and injustice,
love as daily bread.
Love is the heart of the Christmas message;
love the call wherever we roam.
Love will grow, and love will win.
Love will bring us home.
Christmas lights our joyful message:
sound it out for all to hear!
Hope and peace and joy and love
shine at this time of year.
Hope, peace, joy, and love are born!
Words copyright Blair H. Smith - December 2024